AARC Clinical Practice Guideline
Updates for Neonatal and Pediatrics Virtual Presentation by Sara Murphy (Applied for 1 CRCE) Event Registration
Updates for Neonatal and Pediatrics Virtual Presentation by Sara Murphy (Applied for 1 CRCE) Event Registration
Save-the Date ISRC Chapter 5 Conference Date: March 23, 2023 Time: TBA Location: Springfield Memorial Hospital, Springfield, IL At least 7 CEU’s CLICK TO SIGN-UP VIEW CONFERENCE FLYER
Join the Virtual Meeting Click to Join Join Zoom Meeting https://Rush.zoom.us/j/99506028017?pwd=NDhYakhEWVIvdmRuNnMzb1hhT0pQdz09 Meeting ID: 995 0602 8017 Passcode: 230387 One tap mobile +13126266799,,99506028017#,,,,*230387# US (Chicago) +13092053325,,99506028017#,,,,*230387# US
Sign-up for the Conference Today! Click to Sign-up
This will be a virtual event. MEETING LINK
Interested in growing as a Preceptor? $50 fee Register Here
September 22, 2023 8:00 AM Decatur Memorial Hospital 2300 N Edward St. Decatur, IL 62526 ISRC Chapter 3 “Loose Ends” Conference Friday, September 22nd, 2023 8AM to 5PM 7.0 CRCEs Registration and continental breakfast 7:30. Lunch include Register HERE or on www.isrc.org Speakers confirmed: • Joe Omo-Osagie: Implicit Bias (required by IDPFR) • Stephanie Emanual: Dementia (required […]
This will be a virtual event. MEETING LINK
Live it Up in Music City at AARC Congress 2023 Welcome to Congress 2023! Join us Nov. 5–8 in Nashville, TN, for our annual Congress event, bringing respiratory therapists from around the globe together for learning, connecting, and getting a glimpse of the latest industry trends. REGISTER HERE
Please join us for the 3rd Quarterly Board meeting. Click on Link below for access to the Zoom Meeting https://Rush.zoom.us/j/97497765722?pwd=Szh1eUd2OFZCMmk5cDhSMDRtVUx5Zz09